Tax Appeal
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This is a resource page for convenient access to resources which will help you to lower your property taxes:
Real Estate Today on the Radio

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"My name is Steve Tencer and I live in Dobbs Ferry, a village in Westchester County, NY. After receiving a letter from Sokol Group, I realized that the assessor in my town had my house over valued and that I was paying too much in taxes. The letter from Sokol Group said that I could file a property tax appeal which would lower my taxes. I would not have to pay anything unless they were successful. To me this was a no-brainer. I signed the letter and they successfully knocked my taxes down about 9%. I was very happy with the services they provided and it truly required little if no effort on my part. I highly recommend others to do the same should they receive a letter from them."

Steven Tencer
Dobbs Ferry, Greenburgh, NY
"Bruce ... thank you so much for your efforts. We are very satisfied!"
Mr. and Mrs. H.Z.
"Dear Mr. Sokol, Thank you so much for your successful efforts in getting our taxes reduced so significantly! We had just returned from vacation, so it was a very pleasant surprise."
June and Billy Z.