Chestnut Ridge, New York – A Peaceful Village

Chestnut Ridge, New York – A Peaceful Village

Chestnut Ridge is a village nestled within the town of Ramapo and located to the north of New Jersey. People who live in Chestnut Ridge enjoy access to educational services, jobs, and a plethora of outdoor activities. It is also home to several large farms that open their harvests to the public and that feature gardens that grow organic fruits and vegetables.

People who dwell in this village have easy access to public transportation and a variety of institutions of higher learning. It boasts an exceptionally low crime rate, and the median income per household averages $96,146 per annum. A full 70% of the population has attended college, and of this number, 24% have their bachelor’s and 20% have earned a master’s.


7,829 people live in the village of Chestnut Ridge, and these are dispersed among 2,551 households. A total of 2,107 families reside in the area at an average density of 1,584 people living in each square mile, in a total of 526 housing units.

32% of homes have someone below the age of 18 residing therein, and 72% are comprised of married couples. 7% have a single female householder, and 17% are made up of individuals who are not related. 13% have just a single occupant, and in 6% of cases, that person is over 65 years of age.

Real Estate

Prices for homes in 2017, on average were $494,875, and this gained a 6% appreciation rate in 2018. The listing price for dwellings, on average, in 2018 is $526.611, and this amounts to $238 per square foot. Still, the number of homes available in the market has declined by 10%, with 186 homes for sale, listed an average of 78 days before selling.

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Photo Courtesy of Pexe

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