Westchester Tax
Appeal Deadline is in

Category Archives: FAQ

In the News

Property Values: Sokol vs New York Times

Anyone reading the New York Times or other national papers is led to believe that residential real estate values are increasing rapidly.  The…
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Property Taxes Rising

Why Do my Taxes Go Up if My Assessment Stays the Same?

Real estate taxes are calculated by multiplying the assessment by the tax rate.  For example, if you have an assessment of $10,000 and…
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Inspect Home

Will the Assessor Inspect my House?

95% of the time the assessor does not ask to come into a client’s home. The 5% of the time that the assessor…
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Fair Property Taxes

How Can I Know if My Real Estate Taxes are Fair?

Firstly, what is your assessment?? You can find your assessment on your tax bill or by calling the town.  That is not the…
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Appeal Taxes

If I Appeal My Taxes Can My Taxes Go Up?

No, no and no again.   The town appeal board and the courts can only make two decisions one to lower the taxes and…
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Value Going Up

When are Real Estate Values Starting to Go Up?

In my opinion, not until 2014 at the earliest. I say this for several reasons.Firstly, mortgage money is still only available for those…
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How Long Does the Tax Reduction Last

How Long Can I Expect my Assessment to Stay at the Reduced Price?

Your assessment will usually stay the same for many years.  Most town's reassessments occur every 10 to 40 years. The only way your…
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Sokol Group Property Tax Appeal

Why Sokol Group?

We originated this service over 20 years ago and have maintained our market leadership, achieving a 95% success rate for over 5,000 clients.…
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Lower Your Property Taxes

How Much Can I Save?

As an example, if we lower your taxes by $2,000 per year, you pay us $1,200 and keep $800. In all subsequent years…
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Cost Savings

What Does it Cost?

There is absolutely NO CHARGE until we succeed in reducing your property taxes. Our fee of 60% of the first year's reduction is…
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Find out if you're entitled to a PROPERTY TAX REDUCTION